Saturday, June 18, 2011

Teens, No Focus While Driving: Survey - car insurance news

Teens, No Focus While Driving: Survey - car insurance news; With the approach of the July 4 holiday, a recent survey found sobering facts on teens distracted driving, especially in summer when they tend to run more. A survey at 2300 teenagers across the country reveals a trend of inattention while driving, mainly because of distractions while driving.

The survey prepared by the Liberty Mutual Insurance and students against destructive decisions indicate that the summer months are the worst, because more teenagers driving during the holiday months.

"Results are presented as useful information to help families to make rules safe and responsible behavior for teens to gain experience through their years of driving young people," Liberty spokesman Glenn Greenberg said patch in an email.

According to statistics, survey, 826 teenagers - or 68 percent of respondents - was involved in near misses in 2010-2011, and they all said, distracted behavior while driving.

A huge 86 percent said they had been talking about losing the place, 61 percent said they changed the songs on portable devices with screens while driving, 47 percent said they had three or more passengers in the vehicle when arrived, 46 percent said they were close to the speed and crashed when 36 percent said they talked on cell phones while driving.

Text messages, the bane of many parents worried about their children to drive, took a share of 36 percent of these driving teenagers who almost crashed, according to the study.

The survey also indicates that 60 percent of young women involved in quasi say they have changed their driving, compared with 52 percent for young men.

Of the 253 adolescents said they were in an accident, 79 percent of young women reported that their behavior has changed, compared with 58 percent of men.

According to Liberty Mutual and Sadd are teenagers behind the wheel of time 44 percent more each week in summer, an average of 23.6 hours.

This is compared to 16.4 hours per week during the school year, surveys show.

Furthermore, previous studies carried out jointly by the two groups, only 7 percent of teens believe the summer driving dangerously, but most teens say they have driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the summer months. @ car insurance

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