Monday, June 6, 2011

Scion With The Death Metal Scene

Acc?rding t? Automotive News, Scion is in the midst ?f rethinking its company strategy t? help pull the Toyota ?ffshoot ?ut ?f its current sales slump. Originally, the aut?maker's executives envisioned a brand with quick pr?duct cycles that promised t? keep its hardware fresh and interesting. Unf?rtunately, that whole recessi?n thing happened. Scion has since stretched its refresh cycle t? save ?n cash, but it sounds like the brand als? has plans t? attempt to appeal t? an audience outside ?f its current dem?graphic.

Apparently, Scion may even pr?be int? the death metal scene t? rummage up buyers. The Japanese brand ?riginally marketed heavily to the alternative and hip h?p music base, but other brands have since caught ?n t? the strategy. That helped t? turn those genres more mainstream, s? Scion is headed back ?ut t? the fringe.
In additi?n, buyers can expect to see tw? new models in Scion sh?wrooms s?on, including the $20,000-plus m?del based ?n the FR-S Coupe C?ncept and the iQ minicar. S?mehow, we have a hard time picturing death metal junkies driving ar?und in customized iQs, but what d? we know?

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