Saturday, June 11, 2011

Nissan Juke`s Hot Hatch Treatment

Perhaps y?u think that devel?ping a custom body kit f?r the Nissan Juke can be somewhat risky due t? the small cross?ver's unique styling, which c?uld easily fall int? disgrace.
It looks like the Japanese tuners fr?m Impul have managed to pull it ?ff, and not ?nly they enhanced the car in terms ?f appearance, but they have also revised its ECU in ?dder t? squeeze a little extra performance out ?f the 1.5 and 1.6-litre engines.

Perf?rmance figures we are n?t specified yet, but according t? Impul, b?th engine response and mileage will be increased.
The exteri?r package consists ?f a redesigned upper grille, a new fr?nt spoiler lip, new side sills, a new diffuser and unique 19 inch all?y wheels. The Impul Nissan Juke has als? received a massive rear wing which looks like it was b?rr?wed from a Subaru Impreza.


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