Sunday, June 5, 2011

GAZ, one of the largest Russian automobile companies

GAZ, one of the largest Russian automobile companies - GAZ (RTS: GAZA) or Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod, translated as Gorky Automobile Plant, started in 1929 the NEOC, a partnership between Ford and the Soviet Union. It is one of the largest companies in the automotive industry in Russia.

In May 1929 the Soviet Union signed the agreement, Ford Motor Company. Its terms, the Soviet Union has agreed to purchase $ 13,000,000 worth of automobiles and parts, although Ford has agreed to provide technical assistance until 1938 to build a car factory built in Nizhny Novgorod. Production began January 1, 1932, and the factory and the brand has been named Nizhegorodsky Avtomobilny Zavod, or NAZ, but also visible in the name "Ford." GAZ first car was half the price Ford Model, Naz-selling cars and light trucks, Ford Model AA (NAZ-AA). NAZ-production began in 1932 and lasted until 1936, during which were built more than 100,000 copies.

In 1933 the factory was renamed Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod, or GAZ, when the city was named after Maxim Gorky, as well as models and was named GAZ GAZ-AA. From 1935-1956, the official name has been increased imeni Molotov (literally, named after Molotov).

GAZ-followed the modern GAZ M1 (based largely on four-cylinder version of the Ford Model B), with 1936-1942. Molotovets letter M stands for ("Molotov and fame), started as a nickname of the car, M'ka (????).

Experience with A-M1 GAS engineers and allowed to develop their own car model independently of Ford. Called the GAZ 11, this more upscale model entered production in 1942 and remained in limited production in times of war until 1946. M2 body came into limited production in 1941, riding a four-wheel drive chassis and sold in small quantities as GAZ-61 (probably the first car with AWD).

During the war years, GAZ engineers worked to develop a new car model in production by the end of hostilities. Call GAZ-M20 Pobeda (Victory), this affordable sedan with a streamlined aerodynamic styling, entered production in 1946 and was produced by GAZ until 1958. (Licensed production under the name of FSO Warszawa Poland continued until 1970). GAZ-72, a version of four-wheel drive, came in low volume.

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