Tuesday, June 7, 2011

cars with impressive fuel efficient line-up driving Ford sales 2011

cars with impressive fuel efficient line-up driving Ford sales 2011 - Impressive fuel efficient line-up of Ford Cars: Increased environmental awareness and $ 4 a gallon gas to much of the country has encouraged customers to look for smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. Along April and May, we saw this trend continue, as oil prices continued to rise. Ford car sales were able to take advantage of this trend, because of technologies that Ford's pushing the fuel consumption has helped to build an impressive array of fuel-efficient vehicles.

Ford press release in May 3rd says the company has 12 vehicles that drive sales in the segments of the economy of fuel, including four certified vehicles 40 miles per gallon or more indexes EPA - claim no other manufacturer in its entirety line can match.

Many oil industry analysts expect oil prices and commodity prices remain at high levels at least in the short and medium term, given the political instability in some oil producing countries and continued growth economic development in emerging economies. This will further strengthen the trend of fuel efficient and  small cars and drive to turn market share and car sales of Ford in North America.

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