Sunday, March 13, 2011

About Car Insurance

About Car Insurance - What is Car Insurance? Car Insurance is insurance purchased and covering the loss or physical damage (bodily injury) of cars or vehicles are insured against the risk of traffic collision, vandalism, theft, fire and lightning strikes, and against liability that could also arise therefrom, in accordance with the conditions stated in the Policy of the insurance.

Types of Car Insurance: 

Car insurance is consisting of 2 types:
  1. All Risk (Comprehensive)
    • Comprehensive / All Risk cover loss due to traffic collision, crash, upside down, slipping, evil deeds of others (vandalism), lost vehicles, fire, flood, riot, civil commotion, loss of additional equipment, etc..
  2. TLO (Total Loss Only)
    • Total Loss Only (TLO) ensures the total losses resulting from fire, loss, accident with minimum damage to 75% of the price of the vehicle.

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