A bit of editorializing here too, hopefully Scaleauto will not mind... I found the body shape on this car to be VERY nice. All the detail that you'd hope to see on a model of the BMW is there as well as the promise of the car to be a VERY nicely performing car due to the excellent chassis that comes with this car. I'd had the chance to race the Porsche RSR that Scaleauto during a 6-hour team endurance race at Mid America and I simply love that car. The cars were run nearly box-stock with no chassis mods allowed (none appear to be needed BTW) and everyone I'd say was completely taken with the performance of the cars.
The BMW will come with the same chassis, so expect very, very strong performance from this BMW.
I fully expect this BMW to be an extremely good value for your racing dollar (or Euro).
DaveK, Publisher-Slot Car News

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